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Scientists Inspired by Star Wars Develop Artificial Skin Capable of Recreating Sense of Touch

  • Singapore researchers have developed "electronic skin" capable of recreating a sense of touch, an innovation they hope will allow people with prosthetic limbs to detect objects, as well as feel texture, or even temperature and pain.
  • The device, dubbed ACES, or Asynchronous Coded Electronic Skin, is made up of 100 small sensors and is about 1 sq cm (0.16 square inch) in size.
  • It can process information faster than the human nervous system, is able to recognise 20 to 30 different textures and can read Braille letters with more than 90 percent accuracy.
  • The concept was inspired by a scene from the "Star Wars" movie trilogy in which the character Luke Skywalker loses his right hand and it is replaced by a robotic one, seemingly able to experience touch sensations again.

Scientists Inspired by Star Wars Develop Artificial Skin Capable of Recreating Sense of Touch

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